Why is PSHE important?
At Woodford Halse Primary Academy we truly believe in inclusivity and have always welcomed all pupils, celebrating the diverse needs of each individual. We nurture the social and emotional needs of every child and encourage and develop the whole needs of each child. We monitor children’s wellbeing closely and respond to their needs in a diverse range of ways. PSHE teaches us how to make informed choices and be enterprising and ambitious. We feel that we are equipping our children with the knowledge and skills to prepare them for life, not only within our school community, but also in the wider world.
Through PSHE education, we focus on achieving our potential by supporting our wellbeing and tackling issues that can affect our ability to learn, such as anxiety and unhealthy relationships. We feel it is important that what is taught within the PSHE Curriculum is truly evident through all aspects of daily life in our school. Children should demonstrate our school values at all times as well as showing an understanding of safety, celebrating differences and caring for others at all times.
In PSHE, we learn the importance of a healthy lifestyle and positive relationships. We are also a Thrive school and this ethos weaves across everyday school life in terms of our caring nature and behaviour expectations.
PSHE education helps pupils to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society.
Through PSHE education, pupils are taught to make responsible, informed decisions.
PSHE education introduces pupils to some of the opportunities, challenges and responsibilities they will face growing up.
PSHE education is a vital part of pupils’ preparation for life and lessons offer a safe space to explore more complex issues.
PSHE education actively promotes the moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils.
PSHE education helps children achieve their full potential by supporting their wellbeing and tackling issues that can affect their ability to learn, such as anxiety and unhealthy relationships.
PSHE education helps pupils to develop skills and aptitudes, such as communication and resilience.
Through PSHE education, pupils are better prepared to navigate, participate and stay safe in this world.
PSHE education helps us to foster pupil wellbeing and develop character and personal attributes that we believe are fundamental to pupils being happy, successful and productive.
Pupils learn, through PSHE education, to know how and when to ask for help, and to know where to access support.
Through PSHE education, pupils learn about boundaries in friendships with peers and also friendships with peers and also in families and with others, in a range of contexts, including online.
Pupils are taught about the importance of participation in their own communities through PSHE education.
When is PSHE taught?
PSHE is taught both discretely and through thematic units. The Satellite View maps out which thematic units feature this subject and clearly shows the objectives taught. Separate lessons are also planned across each phase.
How is PSHE taught?
PSHE is taught through a combination of subject knowledge and skill building. Learning takes place both inside and outside the classroom.
What do we learn in PSHE?
We learn about:
- Physical, emotional and mental health
- Healthy lifestyles
- Hygiene
- Nutrition and food
- Aspirations
- Changing and growing
- Emotions
- Keeping Safe
- First Aid
- Similarities and differences
- Healthy relationships
- Discrimination
- Communication
- Collaboration
- Bullying
- Fairness
- Family and friends
- Rules and responsibilities
- Communities
- Money and finance
- Diversity
- Enterprise
How do we assess and monitor?
PSHE is assessed through a variety of methods, including discussion notes, observational notes, artwork and written pieces of work. The end goals for each phase are:
Explorers (EYFS): Our aim in teaching PSHE in Explorers is to begin to develop pupils’ self awareness as individuals and their place in their class environment. Pupils should be able to communicate with both adults and their peers in the classroom, expressing how they feel, what they need and using language appropriately to solve simple social disagreements. Pupils should be able to make friends in their class and show kindness and thoughtfulness towards others. As well as the adults in their classroom and school, they will be aware of people in the wider community who can help them. They should also be able to give some simple suggestions of ways in which they can help their peers and other members of the school community if they need it. For example, if someone has hurt themselves, they should know that they need to let an adult know.
By the end of this phase, pupils should be able to recognise similarities and differences between them, particularly physical differences. They should also be able to name some basic body parts. They will have been made aware that some people have disabilities that make certain tasks challenging and they should be able to suggest some ways in which they could help others achieve a task. Pupils should also be able to set themselves some simple targets, such as being able to climb a little higher on the climbing frame or to write their own name. This phase also allows pupils to become aware of the rules of the classroom, follow them without needing much prompting from adults and to take some responsibility for keeping their classroom safe and tidy.
Pathfinders (KS1): Our aim in teaching PSHE in Pathfinders is to expand and build on pupils’ awareness of themselves and others and develop skills learnt in Explorers. Pathfinders should be able to, not only communicate more clearly with their peers and adults, but also show signs of careful and attentive listening. They will have had opportunity to talk in more depth about how they and others may be feeling in a given situation, and offer some suggestion for how they could make someone feel happier if they were sad or hurt. Pupils should be aware of what bullying is in simple terms and what they should do if they, or someone else, is being bullied. They will have discussed ways in which they can take responsibility for their own behaviour and how their responsibilities can extend beyond the classroom into the wider community.
At the end of the Pathfinders phase, pupils should have an initial awareness of what makes a healthy lifestyle, recognising the importance of physical activity and a varied diet. They will be made more aware of the similarities and differences between people based on gender. Pupils will have also been introduced to financial literacy and be made aware, in basic terms, of keeping safe online.
Adventurers (Years 3 & 4): Our aim in teaching PSHE in Adventurers is to encourage pupils to become more aware of their own strengths and weaknesses and to broaden their horizons in terms of recognising diversity and celebrating difference within their close and wider communities. Pupils should be able to show sensitivity to people from backgrounds different to their own and learn about the life experiences that some people have had, or are currently experiencing. In this phase, the idea of what makes a family is looked at in more details and pupils should be aware that a family can look very different from their own; not everyone has the same family set up as them. They should show awareness and sensitivity when talking about families and understand that some people may not want to share much about their family environment.
By the end of the Adventurers phase, pupils should be able to work more collaboratively with their peers and understand the terms ‘resilience’ and ‘perseverance’ when tackling a task that requires more effort and a sense of teamwork. They should have developed their communication skills in order to discuss, listen and delegate tasks to their peers and have improved skills for resolving conflicts more effectively.
Pupils will have continued to be aware of their body and recognise some ways it grows and changes as they get older. They will also be able to talk about nutrition and physical activity in more detailed terms and how these features contribute to a healthy lifestyle.
Finally, pupils should have a better understanding of online safety, having looked at the reasons for age restrictions on social media and gaming, as well understanding ways in which they can keep themselves safe online.
Navigators (Years 5 & 6): Our aim in teaching PSHE in Navigators is to continue to build on the knowledge and skills acquired across the previous three phases by giving pupils a broader, more global viewpoint. By the end of this phase, pupils should be able to clearly articulate their own ideas and draw their own conclusions in discussions and when assessing scenarios. They should be able to share why a conflict has occurred and offer the best solution resolving it.
In the Navigators phase, pupils will have come across some difficult, hard-hitting topics. They will have needed to draw on all their knowledge and skills to approach these issues with sensitivity and empathy. Through the global events of September 11th 2001, pupils will have explored what can lead people towards extremist and radicalised views and pupils should be able to offer suggestions as to how they could help someone who appears to be vulnerable and potentially harbouring some extremist views. Pupils should also be able to discuss the feelings associated with death and loss and know that it is normal to be very upset and go through the process of grieving when someone or something beloved dies.
As well as approaching some difficult topics, pupils should also have a deeper understanding of more complex financial issues and financial literacy. In terms of health, they should be aware that health doesn’t just cover aspects of physical wellbeing, but also mental wellbeing and know what to do if they are feeling anxious, unhappy or suffering from low self-esteem. Finally, pupils should know what the term ‘anarchy’ means and have a good understanding of rules and responsibilities far beyond the classroom.
More information can be found in the documents below.